Use this tiny tool to grow connections, exercise your kindness muscles, and build a stronger healthier community.
I love how such a small gesture of kindness, connection or appreciation can completely transform a person’s day. Using the cards helps us to pay attention and acknowledge the little acts of kindness happening around us all the time: strangers making way for us, warm smiles, helping hands, and good deeds.
Sample packs of thankyou cards have been posted free to New Zealanders since 2011; a kindness experiment I began in the wake of the Christchurch earthquakes.
Receive your own set. All I ask is that you pay-it-forward by passing on your thankyou cards to friends, colleagues, kids and strangers - when you see or receive a kindness.
NB. Available free NZ-only due to postage costs
Read 10,000 Tiny Thankyous, the back story of Thankyou Project

If you would like to use thankyou cards more widely, they are available in boxes of 60 for $24.95. All proceeds from box sales go towards printing and postage costs of the free sets.
What a wonderful and amazing thing you are offering, and for free!
I know how much a little appreciation can really change a persons day, if not how they feel about themselves
Thanks for your generosity
of spirit to take an active part in creating a ever-increasing community of gratitude around the world.
Gave out two cards and the joy was unbelievable.
Small things, big differences.